Friday, April 24, 2009

My bargain of the week!

As we all know times are tough, and when you have a family we all do our best to grab that bargain. Well this week the bargain I got was clothes for our eldest. I swear the boy sneaks out at night and stands in a grow bag (not sure if you have them over here, but in England you can grow your tomatoes from a grow bag!) I know kids go through a growth spurt, but Brendan has been on a growth spurt since the day he was born.
We have a couple of Kids consignment stores here in Rio Rancho/Albuquerque and I decided yesterday I would stop by because our school district decided to change the dress code, and I certainly wasn't rushing out to buy new clothes with only 4 weeks of school left. Plus the boy needs shorts, so I stopped off at Other Mothers it was the first time I had been to the store. It was slightly crazy busy and they had a lot more girls stuff than boys. But being Thursday it was 50% off yellow tag day and 75% off red tag day (even better) I picked up 2 pairs of shorts and a huge bundle of tops, polos and T-shirts for the whopping price of $23.

On Friday Brendan very proudly wore his new clothes and he looked really smart, total cost of shirt and shorts $3.99!

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