Thursday, April 23, 2009

As a Mom there is one thing that I can't do.................

I am apologizing now for blogging about this but I am curious if it is just me or there are other Moms who have the same or similar problem???
Now bearing in mind I have been a chef and handled my fair share of raw meats, fish, oh and squid (really gross to clean) and I have dealt with plenty of poop filled diapers, not just from my boys but from when I was a Nanny. Even those diapers that seem to explode up the back and down the legs, give me them any day instead of cleaning up and dealing with vomit!
Yes folks I just can't do it, that is a Daddy job in our house. I am getting better, but that is only because there have been occasions when Daddy has not been here and I have just had to get on with it(the boys just couldn't wait until Daddy was around!). Which trust me takes me forever, I have this unfortunate problem that being around vomit makes me feel sick, which of course is no good when I am suppose to be comforting my children while they pray to the porcelain god!
Why you might ask am I blogging about this, because I have just finished cleaning up vomit and comforting our eldest Brendan, of course Daddy is at class, and will be home soon, but the boy couldn't wait!

So tell me Mom's am I the only one, or is there that one thing you just can't do?


Furious Mom said...

I am your Mothers Day Swap should add a follower button so I can follow you! :)

I am pretty good with puke and poop. One thing that makes me gag is when there is pee all over the bathroom and it has dried. My boys have an aim issue, and the dryed pee all over the place gets my stomach churning.

Gillian said...

Hi Furious Mom, nice to meet you I am your Mothers Swap Mom too!

I added one of those follow thingys, is that what you meant?
The whole aiming problem is the same in our household too, but our eldest has realized after Mommy made him clean the bathroom how gross it is and the aiming seemed to improve
Thank you for the comment

Furious Mom said...

I think I am going to make my boys clean it up that is a good idea! I am sure mine would do a wonderful