Saturday, March 28, 2009

X is for X-ray!

You know when teaching your children the alphabet you go through the A is for apple, B is for balloon, C is for cat stage, well Mr Aaron has been addicted to an alphabet episode of Blue Clues were X is for X-ray. Well he got to see first hand what an X-ray looks like this past week, because I had to take him to Urgent care this past Thursday!

Earlier on in the week both of the boys had decided that if they took the cushions off the couches we have in the loft, it would be fun to climb and jump around on them! Never mind the fact that their play area is full of toys, and it didn't matter that they had been told numerous times not to do that because "someone was going to get hurt!" Well Mr Aaron ended up falling and catching his hand hard on one of his toys, screaming and crying followed, and I managed to get him calm to check out the damage. All fingers were moving and no swelling seemed to be forming, so with lots of kisses and ice he went about playing. Over the next couple of days and during our zoo visit I noticed that his hand had swollen and his knuckles where a wonderful shade of purple. Plus he was not using that hand at all and that is the thumb sucking hand and even that seemed to be giving him some problems. So off we go to urgent care and having an X-ray done of his hand was not easy, the first one they took was fine, but have you ever tried getting a 3yr old to position his hand and hold it, not an easy task. But Aaron got the all clear, nothing broken, he has just strained it, but the coolest thing was he got to see the X-ray of his hand.

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