Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Our youngest, Mr Aaron

Our youngest, our bundle of non-stop energy! Mr Aaron was a miracle for us, we had tried to get pregnant and was not having much luck. Low and behold in December of 2004, after I passed in Walmart! we discovered that I was pregnant. Again total surprise.

This pregnancy was slightly different for us, I had morning sickness and severe heart burn, and I had to be monitored every month because an artery had collapsed in the umbilical cord. But on July 22nd 2005 at 3:40pm Aaron J arrived via C-section into the world. He weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 22 inches in length and was one angry dude!

For me I became I first time Mom all over again, see when Brendan was born I returned to work when he was still a baby and Jon became a stay at home Dad, so I missed a lot of the first's, when Mr Aaron was born I got to experience the first smile, first crawl, first ga ga go go, with the help of big brother Brendan.

Aaron is our tough nut, and seriously has superhero energy! Most toddlers are active and on the go, but Aaron most days has the energy of 2 children, and certainly keeps me on my toes! His days are filled with playdoh fun, blues clues, story time and learning his ABC's and his numbers. He is constantly on the go and is obsessed with anything Blues Clues, he loves Blue and Steve and has an array of toys, movies and even his own mailbox that I painted for him to look like mailbox from the show!
Aaron is certainly the opposite of his big brother, and in an odd way each of their individual personalities compliments the other. But Aaron certainly looks up to big brother and the excitement from him when big brother comes home from school every day is priceless.

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