Monday, March 23, 2009

Twilight Craziness

For those that have no clue about the Twilight movie, 4 book saga by author Stephanie Meyer, and have no clue who Robert Pattinson is, if you read further you will probably think I have lost my marbles. For those that do know what I am talking about, you know that this past Saturday the movie was released on DVD. Well I was a newbie to all the craziness surrounding Twilight, until I saw the movie about a month ago, and then read the first 3 books in a week (they are addictive) So when the Borders near me had a midnight release party organized for the DVD, Brendan and I decided to go. It was insane, very busy, but fun. Some people came in costume, a lot were wearing Twilight T-shirts (my personal favorite "I heart boys who sparkle") and there was even a woman who had fake bite marks on her neck.
The Borders staff had giveaways and had organized Vampire Baseball, Twilight Movie Awards, and even a Twilight themed Scavenger Hunt, which saw us all running around Borders trying to fine certain books. They played a message from the cast of the movie and the whole place went nuts. By 11:20pm the festivities had finished and people were told to line up ready to get their copy of the movie. Well the cheap Mommy that I am decided to first of all give our ticket/wristband away, we were #127 and I was not going to wait forever to get the movie. So off we went to Walmart (personally now wish I had stayed at Borders) thinking that it would be quiet, plus movies are cheaper at Walmart. Oh was I wrong about the quiet part, it was worse than Borders, atleast Borders had organized the whole thing, Walmart was a free for all, you took your life into your own hands!

I grabbed this shot from my cell phone just as they took the cardboard down from the display, it was insane. I managed to get a copy of the movie, but I really don't think I will be doing this again!
For those that haven't seen the movie or read the books, it is a love story with a bite!

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