Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What does a $1 buy you at recess?............................

Not only was today the start of spring break for us but it was also Teacher/Parent conference time this afternoon. Both Jon and I are very pleased, and proud of Brendan, he is doing so well.

At the end of the conference I told Brendan's Teacher about a note he had received from the cafeteria about not being aloud to charge for meals anymore.
You can imagine the shock when I received this note because I always give Brendan the cash whenever he eats at school (I know silly me for thinking it would actually pay for lunch) Now granted I did not realize that you have to pay extra if you want milk, it is not like he eats lunch at school every day. So I logged online to check his balance and I was fearing some ridiculous amount of money..............................a whole $2.10
So checking back through the school year I see that there were times when no money was deposited into his lunch account or less than a $2 was.
So I asked the teacher what happens when the lunch money is collected, because my darling son swears that he gives the $2 to his teacher. Now when she told me what happens I must of looked like one of those cartoon characters, because my mouth must of hit the floor! Apparently there has been a few occasions that Brendan has only given the teacher $1..................................

You know I always jokingly say that kids don't come with an instruction manual, but you know what sometimes I wish I did! So of course Jon and I sat down and talked to Brendan about this, and my darling son is sticking to his story that he always hands the money to the teacher. Of course Daddy wanted to know what a $1 buys you in the playground these days!

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