Saturday, February 7, 2009

What a week!

WOW what a week I have had. Monday night hubby spent 11 hours at the ER at the Veterans Hospital! and I thought the NHS was bad. Tuesday morning he had appointments with Orthopedics, and he calls me from work on Wednesday to say that he was having surgery on Thursday. Hubby had torn the meniscus in his knee, this stems from an old injury from when he was in the Air Force, and last Friday his knee locked and he couldn't bend his knee. So after getting a rather fancy knee brace and consults he was rushed in for knee surgery first thing on Thursday. It has been a whirlwind week, tiring and exhausting, but I am glad the surgery went well and that hubby got to come home the same day. So I am now adding nurse to my list of duties :0)

1 comment:

Raesha D said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I hope he heals quickly. Let me know if you need anything (babysitting, meals...etc:))