Monday, May 18, 2009

Our Shining Star

Mr Aaron found out this past week that he was picked from the lottery of children that applied for Preschool. Very exciting news, because he sees big brother leave every morning for school, and given half a chance Aaron would be on the bus with him. The preschool that he is going too has a 50/50 ratio of kids who have learning disabilities and those kids that don't but are known as mentors. Mr Aaron has been picked as one of the mentors, which we are very proud of, but for those who know Aaron putting the word mentor and Aaron in the same sentence is slightly amusing!

So when I got the phone call last week Aaron was so excited that he was going to start preschool in August he demanded that he needed his backpack NOW. I tried reasoning with him that all school shopping is done later in the summer and that he really doesn't need his backpack right now. Aaron was not having any of this, and when we went to get milk and a few other groceries on Friday, we checked out the backpacks, they had 2 for him to choose from, Iron Man or Transformers. Aaron went with the Iron Man one, and he has been wearing it and carrying it around the house ever since!

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