Friday, May 15, 2009

A heart filled with love

This week has been full of FANTASTIC news for our household. On Wednesday Brendan had his heart check up appointment and we were curious to know the outcome, it has been a few years since his last check up. For those that don't know and are reading this, our eldest, Brendan, was born with a hole in his heart. The first year we were at the hospital every month, then we only had to go every couple of years. We have been VERY LUCKY that he has not had to have surgery, and as he has got older we have not had any complications from him playing sports.

So I picked Brendan up from school and off we went across town to the Cardiologist. Once we were called back, Brendan was hooked up to the EKG machine, while Aaron kept asking all the nurses and Dr's if he had to have a shot! Aaron assumes that because we were at the Dr's he had to have a shot, and was very relieved when Brendan's Dr, Dr Berman, told him that they don't give out shots here just stickers and suckers!

Once his EKG was done the Dr came and listened to his heart, and straight away said that he couldn't hear anything, which was a very good sign. See from an early age Brendan has known that his heart makes a special noise and he would very proudly tell people. So he was slightly confused when the Dr said he couldn't hear anything, I told Brendan that his heart would be beating normally and that the Dr is saying that he can't hear the whoosing noise that the blood makes as it rushes through the hole. But to be 100% sure he wanted to get an ecko done of Brendan's heart. So we moved to a different room and Brendan was hooked up to the machine and settled in for pictures of his heart. The nurse had put Lightening McQueen on the TV which Aaron was very happy about, but Brendan decided it was fascinating to watch the different pictures of his heart.

Once the Dr reviewed the pictures, we could not of got better news, the hole had closed and Brendan was given the all clear, no more check ups, no more worries, or as Brendan said "he is now normal!"

When Brendan was 1 Jon and I wrote in his Brithday card that "although he had a hole in his heart, the hole would close because Mommy and Daddy would fill his heart with love" 8 years of love has proved to be a very powerful thing and we are now so grateful that the hole in his heart has closed.

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