Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The trauma of going through the car wash!

I have no idea why at the age of 3 and a half that going through a car wash is the most traumatic thing in the world! My eldest did exactly the same thing at 3 and a half, and now Mr Aaron is carrying on the family tradition and freaking out when we go through the car wash. Maybe it is the noise, the unknown, those big scary rollers that seem to be hitting the car and are going to attack in the eyes of a 3 yr old, I just have no clue.
Now I have tried to be the calming force when we go through the car wash, and explain that the car needs a bath and there is nothing to be scared about! Yesterdays trip through the car wash was just hilarious and at the expense of my 3 yr old, I knew what I was going to blog about this morning! After telling him it was okay that the car was just taking a bath like he does, and getting no response but screaming, I proceeded to snap away with the camera on my phone, yes the mean mommy that I am just snapped away, not only for my blog, but as a record so that when the boy is 8 and going through a car wash is so boring I can pull the pictures out and show him that in his eyes when he was 3 the car wash was going to eat him!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

That is way too funny, poor guy!

I would love to have tea! We might be heading out that way next summer to take the kids camping. We are a big scouting family. My Dad is district commissioner for our area, and of course my son is in scouts. He is missing scout camp next week because of stupid all-star's for baseball. Grrrrr!